June 26, 2000
Ed writes: The Ed Russell family arrives the 26 th to a dry & secure cabin. All is well except the water pump, which after some 23 years of service, needs replaced. After $517 & fair amount of investigation & cleaning, the H2O system is in operation. By this time it’s the 28 th & we’ve just had a fine pike dinner from John’s 7# fish caught here in Gibson Bay. The weather is cool low 50’s to high 60’s & the lake is 66° but feels much cooler. Ed’s outboard is still curious, but he has returned with a good stock of fly leaders. More later———-
June 29, 2000
Ed writes: John has caught 5 pike in 3 days. Ed has fished three times as much & has only 1 small pike——— oh well I’m not going to quit trying. Today, while fishing, the prop on Ed’s trolling motor went to the bottom without fanfare. So off to North Bay I go tomorrow. Impellers & propellers, we have problems with both. Was supposed to rain today, but we escaped with quite a nice day—– shore lunched by Obabika Inlet Bay. Will have another pike dinner—– clearly this is a tuff life.
July 8, 2000
Ed writes: Unfortunately only I write in the log————- we’ll have to live with it. Geblers arrived for a week & left today. It was a great visit. Paul caught several pike + huge bass— pike to 8#. He also caught strep-throat which sent us to C. A. Camp for the doctor, a wonderful man who prescribed antibiotics which put him back in his “Pike 17” in 1 ½ days. P.J. & John E. are repairing the dock at Spider Point, while Ed builds a new fish cleaning area on the isthmus. The weather has been good except very cool. We have seen 70° only one day, lake water still 65° – 67°. We all took a day trip to the Southwest Arm. Good fishing for most, but as
usual the winds howled. The trip back was long & cool. I even took a HOT shower upon my return.
Ed’s outboard has gone to BoatLine Bay for a tune-up. For the time being, it runs like a sewing machine. P.J. takes his Honda for work on Wednesday. More later———–EMR
July 10, 2000
Abby writes: I just wanted to make a small, but very notable entry here tonight, because Abby has caught her first wall fish (smiley face) Yeah! After an evening of fishing in the bay with my father we returned to 1096 for a couple of last casts. And with my first cast in I pulled out a 3# Black Bass. A very exciting moment for I had a good feeling that it was the one and it was definitely a fighter!! Once Dad saw it jump out of the water, and we confirmed that I didn’t want to lose this guy, he pulled him in with the net. We brought the bass home, measured him up and released him back into the bay. I am enjoying my stay here. We miss the company of the Gebler’s. Weather has not been the greatest. Due to this poor weather you could see all 10 of the Russell clan walking around the island in a clump doing chores or inspecting the main two events of the season: the fish cleaning station and the Spider Point dock. From my own point of view we would have looked like an awful funny bunch if there was anybody around to see. Alrighty , then I will say goodbye after my lengthy entry. We miss you Grandma & Grandpa!
– Abby
July 15, 2000
PJ writes: Ed & crew left on the 13 th . What a change when all our Family is gone. Sandi and I have done this before. We begin cleanup and closeup right away. Each year we refine the process. Sandi, dogs & I arrived Fri., 6/30. Soon after our arrival Sandi caught a 2 ¾ # Whitefish. John Edward informs us that the record Whitefish is 5 lbs. Impressive! It was good eating. All the girls worked hard in the kitchen and we all ate real well. The recipes were exceptional. One of the favorites is “seasonal fish” from the Drenth’s library. Char’s marinated pork tenderloin is also real large with the group. As Deb pointed out, just about any and all food disappears.
This season was marked with extraordinary circumstances. Ed’s boat needed work, Paul got strep throat, I had a real bum hand, nerve problem, I think, which I have an appointment for when we get home, my boat needed service, Sandi has had a headache for two days, my lower eyelid is red and infected looking, the water pump quit upon Ed’s arrival and some events were left out, I’m sure. No blue berries, except a few on the island. Our “blubs” do not taste great as usual. I’m not going to pick any for the trip home. Mosquitoes are here with vengeance this
year. Weather has been cool with lots of rain. Our last three days have been rainy all day, sun breaks late afternoon.
Despite all of the negatives, there were lots of good times. We had several day trips and shore lunches – always great. The get-together and conversation at meals is my favorite.
We, Sandi & I, are planning to be here longer next year for the overdue repairs to
Arachnid and the boat house. I‘m still in disbelief that I could be retired this time next year. I for one will be anxious to write my first entry in the log in 2001.
Thank you Mom & Pop for all of this. We miss you a lot.
P.S. Deb, Abby, dogs & I climbed High Point Island. The view was (is) a real treat. There were artists from Toronto there just-a-painting away.
Bye, P.J.
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